Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Summer Fun Has Begun

This was the third summer we kicked off with a visit from the Jacobs side of the family. We love Memorial Day weekend!

 Part of the tradition is going to Rise and Roll on Saturday for some free food followed by petting puppies and playing on playsets.

We also enjoyed some golfing and a couple of bonfires.

And what is a Jacobs Family Gathering without some badminton?

Our next summertime adventure was a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum with my bestest Jamie and her hubs.

The kids had a blast. Marie flew from one thing to the next while Jack mosied slowly, just like his dad.

We were there from open to close and loved every minute! It really is a great museum and I highly recommend it! I also recommend finding a best friend like Jamie :)

Many more summer adventures (aka blessings) ahead including a nice long trip to PA!

Sometimes it is just downright impossible to begin to fathom how much God loves us and loves to be a daddy.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The evolution of the Jacobs Garden

In the beginning was the first Jacobs Garden:


After beautiful success, the expanded second Jacobs Garden was born:


Not only were we blessed with another successful season, but we found that we really love to garden! So we tackled our biggest project yet...

The Jacobs Garden of 2013

 Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. Jeremiah 29:5

Saturday, June 15, 2013


I literally just watched this video that several people had posted on Facebook and found myself thinking over and over things like "Yes!" "Amen!" "Exactly!"

So now you know how I feel about it.

I decided to throw together a quick post because the immodesty in today's society is downright making me mad. I really try not to rant in my facebook statuses and I've been doing pretty good with that lately. But the other day I was bombarded with barely dressed moms and saying I was mad is a serious understatement. I wanted to get into each of their faces and yell, "Have you no dignity??!!" But instead I ranted on facebook.

This passion for modesty is not something I've always had. In fact, most of my life I was just sorta oblivious to it. I've never been super immodest, just kinda careless. I've always believed in modesty but honestly had no idea of the importance. I think many Christian women fall into this category - we can literally be unaware of our own immodesty. That doesn't make it okay.

I am a new woman. And for good reason.

On the flip side, it does break my heart. I hurt for all the women who are trapped by the lie that revealing "everything but their mother's maiden name" somehow gives them power... Although I think most women want to feel wanted so much more than they want to feel power. Dressing bikini-style will definitely make you desirable... in all the wrong ways.

Please, watch this video. You will not regret it.

(I'm sorry for just posting a link. Posting video on blogger is annoying and time consuming!)

If you have an opinion, I would actually love to discuss this further. Please share your thoughts!
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