Monday, July 21, 2014

Our Summer (so far) in a Tiny Nutshell

We finished (or better, I decided we needed to be done!) school on Thursday, May 22!

To celebrate, I surprised the kids with a trip to the zoo! Which just so happens to be how we started the year.

Memorial Day weekend was spent in Ohio with the family. Always a wonderful time there!

Then the most adorable little man was born on June 9, weighing in at 9 pounds, 9 ounces. ((I am just now noticing all the 9s!))

Birthdays were celebrated...

Dear friends visited...

And, as usual, a trip or two to the fair!

Up next we have another quick trip to Ohio so the family can meet Roger Douglas, and some more birthdays to celebrate!

It has been a very busy but very blessed summer! Derek has been an amazing help with all of our babies. Best Dad Award. The big kids absolutely adore their new brother, even Kempton!

I am looking forward to starting school when I find the time to plan for it! I'm also very excited to start working out again when I can find the time for that! Life with 4 is crazy busy but I love it.

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